It is that time of year again for our annual Christmas Outreach Program, the Giving Tree. This is a very special time when we as parishioners can give a helping hand to families struggling during this time of year.
Our trees will be up and decorated with the giving ornaments by Saturday, November 20 and ending on Sunday, December 12. As always, there will be a tree in the Gathering Area and a tree in front by the cry room.
We ask that you
bring your gifts unwrapped with the ornaments attached to each gift. This will insure that each gift goes to the correct child or adult. Please place gifts in the bins located in back of church or under the giving trees. Gifts will need to be
returned by 11:00 am on Sunday, December 12th as this is the day we will be delivering to the organizations and families.
We are again be helping the Pregnancy Assistance Center, Loving Hearts, individual parish families and the SFB Food Pantry. This ministry is for anyone needing some help with gifts for their family at Christmas. Please know that it is strictly confidential. To request assistance, you may call Kathy Meyer at 636-667-0089 or contact the parish office.
For those wishing to give a monetary donation, you may turn your gift in at the parish office or collection basket (please put "Giving Tree" on the envelope) . We will then use the money for ornaments not taken from the tree or larger items that are needed.
May God bless all of you as you make a difference in the lives of so many. For more information or any questions, please contact Kathy or Walt Meyer at 636-667-0089.
Thank you and God bless! The Christmas Outreach Ministry