Mary Ann Kamler Honored with Health of the Sick Award
Mary Ann Kamler is one of 26 women in the archdiocese, and one of two volunteers at the Washington hospital, who will be honored at the 2017 Catholic Women's Recognition Ceremony with the Health of the Sick Award Aug. 6. The 26 women are recognized as inspiring women who actively work to heal — spiritually, emotionally and physically — as the members of Christ's body in their respective community. The model for the award is St. Hildegard of Bingen.
Kamler, 88, said that if no one encouraged and guided her through the role, she never would have experienced what she now appreciates so much.
Her efforts in the community and at church are extensive. She volunteers to visit people in area nursing homes and takes people to medical appointments. She has been a part of the St. Francis Borgia Food Pantry, Ladies Sodality, East Central Missouri Right to Life Committee, Resurrection Choir, Scout leader and other efforts.
"I've just been blessed with good health and am able to get around and do something," she said. "That's why God kept me here, and I might as well be doing something."
Kamler, who worked for the tax department of the Franklin County government before retiring, was a member of the board of the City of Washington's Child Welfare Association for 20 years, helping make decisions and recommendations about children who need help, from wheelchairs to transportation.
“People are grateful for everything you do for them when they're in need," she said.
Connected all her life to the Church, she said. "You feel so at home when you go to church. You can connect with God and talk to Him right there. It's been a big plus in my life."
How blessed we are as a parish for this amazing example of love and stewardship!