Dear Partners in the Mission,
Jesus said, “Go therefore make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and know that I am with you always.” (Mt 28:19-20)
Last year we established an evangelization team. We have been meeting almost monthly for about six months. Our goal is to establish a plan for evangelization at St. Francis Borgia.
A simple definition of evangelization could be stated as “evangelism means announcing the gospel, or good news, the evangelium. The word evangelism contains the word angel, which means messenger.” Peter Kreeft
Is this the mission of the Catholic Church?
Pope Paul made this clear “‘We wish to confirm once more that the task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church.'”
Is this the mission of everyone?
Pope Paul VI declared that the objectives of the Second Vatican Council “are definitely summed up in this single one: to make the Church of the twentieth century even better fitted for proclaiming the gospel to the people of the twentieth century” (On Evangelization in the Modern World, 2).
“On all Christians . . . rests the noble obligation of working to bring all men throughout the whole world to hear and accept the divine message of salvation,” from the Second Vatican Council Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity.
Fr. Maassen