Thank you for the welcome you gave to Fr. Long Phi Nguyen, SVD last weekend as he helped us to understand the Church’s missionary efforts throughout the world. It’s also helpful to be reminded that missionary work is at the heart of who we are as Catholics and that priests and religious, like the Divine Word Missionaries, act on our behalf to bring the Good News of Jesus to people throughout the world. Thank you for your prayers for them and for any financial support you are able to give.
Important reminder for all who serve as Lectors, Ushers/Greeters, and Eucharistic Ministers: We will host one more evening of renewal for our Liturgical Ministers and those who might be interested in serving in the capacity of a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, or Usher/Greeter. Our last gathering will be this coming Tuesday, July 19th at 7:00 p.m. in Church. Our evening will include some time for prayer, a review of procedures, and an opportunity for questions followed by some time for fellowship in the rectory. If you are involved in a Liturgical ministry or want to be, please plan to attend one of these evenings.
Have a wonderful week! Thank you for all you do for our Parish.