Dear Parishioners,
Vacation BIble School will take place this week for many of our parish children. Kyra Gulledge has worked hard to help organize this year’s VBS along with a host of volunteers. It promises to be a great week of learning about Jesus, the Bible, and growing in faith. Please pray for our participants and volunteers as they prepare to kick off this year’s VBS here at SFB!
On behalf of Fr. Tony and I, I would like to invite you to join us for a farewell reception Saturday evening, July 29th after the 4:30 p.m. Mass. The reception will take place in Jesuit Hall. We have been so blessed to have served here and would like an opportunity to spend some time with you, express our appreciation of you, and ask for your prayers as we assure you of our ongoing prayers. As a people of faith, we are always united by the Eucharist as we gather around the altar. I know that both of us find that reassuring as we prepare to move. We’ll be back to visit when we can and we sure invite you to come see us if you have the chance.
Have a blessed week. Thanks for all you do for our parish family.
Fr. Mike Boehm