It’s good to be back. I had a wonderful time in the Holy Land. So much to see and experience! It was overwhelming at times to take it all in - walking where Jesus walked, where saints gathered, where so many pilgrims have gone to grow in faith. What a beautiful experience and I hope I can do it justice by sharing about it with you from time to time.
I am pleased to present to you our Stewardship Report for the Fiscal Year ‘22. Please look over it and see how we are so blessed here at St. Francis Borgia Parish. We could fittingly call this the Gratitude Report as we reflect on the dedication and commitment of so many of our parishioners who give so much time, talent, and treasure to support our parish family.
As always, we have some room for growth. I’d like to call your attention to the decrease in our Sunday offertory collections. This might be a place where we can increase our giving by a modest amount in order to help our parish remain financially strong. Please consider an increase in your weekly contributions. Your support means a great deal and what a difference it makes when we all put our gifts together to support the ministries of our parish.
A word of encouragement: if you are not currently participating in electronic giving, please consider doing so. You can find information on our parish website under the “Online Giving” tab on the main page. Thank you for your consideration of this.