Happy New Year!
As we celebrate today the Feast of the Epiphany, we remember with joy the making known of Jesus to the world as the Son of God. At that time, awareness of who He was began to spread. Hopefully our own awareness of who Christ is for us will grow and continue to impact our lives with the knowledge and confidence that we are brothers and sisters of Jesus and beloved children of God.
The students and staff of our Grade School and High School will return to classes on Tuesday of this week. Let’s keep them and all students who are returning to school in our prayers that they might enjoy a great second semester full of learning and faith formation.
I’d like to take another opportunity to thank you for a wonderful Christmas celebration. The Church looks beautiful and I’m so appreciative to all who helped decorate it. And thanks to all who contributed in some way to our celebrations through music, singing, lectoring, helping with Communion, serving, ushering and greeting, and coming together to pray and celebrate the Lord’s birth! We are blessed by each of you!
Help needed: we will be taking down the Christmas decorations and preparing them for storage on Monday, January 10th beginning at 3:00 p.m. We could sure use some help. If you can make it, please just come to Church that day. Thank you for considering this.
Breakfast, anyone?! Our Parish Breakfasts are coming back starting January 16th! If you’d like to help out the Breakfast committee or help serve at a breakfast, please let us know.
Have a great first week of the year! Thanks for all you do to support our Parish.
Fr. Mike Boehm