I hope you got to see our SFBGS and SFBRHS floats in the parade last Sunday. Our grade school float was the runner-up winner to the high school float. Both were great works of art and we can all be proud of this! Many, many thanks to our teachers, staff, students, and volunteers who helped create the grade school float and who accompanied it throughout the parade. What a wonderful day we had for the parade! We are blessed!
With the ending of the Washington Town & Country Fair, our attention shifts to the beginning of school. We are excited to prepare for the students and faculty to return, in fact the faculty meetings start tomorrow! Though the teachers and staff have been in the building this past week getting ready for school, we will have Mass together tomorrow (Monday) and I look forward to formally welcoming them back to school for ‘21-’22. We are blessed with a really gifted faculty and we are welcoming new teachers this year as well.
We are so grateful for all who had a role in getting our buildings ready for the start of school. Our maintenance staff worked hard all summer to move furniture, reorganize rooms, and prepare the floors. We also had a great group of volunteers who came together for our first Bubbles & Brews evenings during which school parents got together and used the “bubbles” to clean and prepare school while enjoying a “brew” or two! It was fantastic, fun, and we got lots of cleaning done to get school ready for our students. Thank you to our awesome Home & School Association and to over 80 volunteers who helped! We are so grateful to all of these fine folks! Lots of excitement in the halls of our grade school buildings these days! Let’s join together to pray for a good year.
On the Borgia High School front, things are kicking into gear there as well. Fr. Tony and I will each have a role in the High School and we both look forward to it. Fr. Tony will be teaching Theology to one class of sophomores (pray for him!!!). He’s excited about this opportunity and we will work together to make sure there is a priestly presence on campus as much as possible. I will continue as Chaplain and will help out in other ways as much as possible.
Fr. Tony will be offering a training refresher for our altar servers this week. Any students from grades 4 through 12 are welcome to serve at Mass. If you or your child has an interest in serving, please feel free to contact Fr. Tony and he can fill you in on the details of the training that will be offered later this week. Additionally, all SFBGS and PSR students in grades 4 & 5 will be trained once school is back in session. Though not all of them will choose to serve, this will be part of their religion class to help teach them about the Mass and the importance of it for all of us.
As we prepare for the start of school and as parish meetings kick into full swing, this is a great time to invite neighbors and friends who have been away from church for whatever reason. Maybe invite them to come with you and offer to take them to brunch after Mass. As a parish family, we are more complete when more people join us for worship. Thanks for considering this. It might just be what somebody is waiting for to help them re-engage or join more fully in our parish life.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, September 12th, for our SFB Parish Fall Festival! It’ll be great fun for all ages.