We recently celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day. These feast days help us to focus on the purpose of our life here on earth. Our end is NOT here on the earth. Our journey on this earth is just a transition to the next life in heaven. It is hard to focus on the next life, because we are so involved and so much a part of this world, that we tend to forget about the journey to the Kingdom.
There are several ways to keep us focused on this journey; one is through our prayers. We can use the saints in heaven as intercessors. We pray with them when we profess in the creed, the “Communion of Saints.” Do not be afraid to ask the saints in heaven for their intercession to Jesus or His Father.
The prayers and sacrifices that we offer can be for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. We do not know when they leave purgatory and become saints in heaven. We are told that no prayers are wasted. God will direct them to those who are in need of our prayers. Prayer should be a part of our daily lives. They do not need to be long in length, but they do need to be said.
May God bless you and your family as we pray for those who have been called to the Kingdom.