I want to thank you all for your stewardship of time, talent and treasure which you and your family share with St. Francis Borgia Parish. I have noticed that there are more new and current parishioners stepping up to take a more active role in the parish, whether be it as ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, lectors or participating in the fall festival, the auction, or the parish rummage sale. It is good that more people get involved sharing the work load, as they say.
I have also noticed that our contributions have gone up, have you? Electronic giving is a good way to keep our donations going especially if you are at the Lake for the weekend or away on a longer vacation. The parish office can help you with that if you need assistance.
As we get into the heat of summer and vacation time, just a friendly reminder that if you took your Annual Catholic Appeal card home with you to please return it with your contribution, as we still have a number of cards out. We have not reached our goal yet. A reminder, too, that we have received grants from this appeal during the last few years which were used for the new doors in church and to help reduce the cost of the grade school back parking lot.
Thanks for all you do, and I hope that you are able to enjoy summer!!!