Just a theological reminder. We, as Catholics, believe that bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Consecration of the Mass. So, when we respond AMEN, we are agreeing and affirming our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus. Thus, our Amen response at the Eucharist Prayer should be a resounding Amen because the Body and Blood of Jesus is on the Altar. The same when we receive Holy Communion. We are receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, thus we respond again with Amen. When we are ministers of Holy Communion, we are NOT distributing Bread or Wine, but the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It is only by the gift of faith that we can profess this reality. We thank God for our gift of faith.
As we celebrate Labor Day this weekend, we should be grateful for the work which we have been given and the means to support ourselves and families. We pray also for those seeking work and for those whose work take them away from the Lord and the Sunday Eucharist.