Generally on Tuesday, Fr. Buehler goes to Mercy Hospital Washington to visit parishioners and I do the same on Thursdays. So often there is no one to visit and sometimes it is because the hospital has no information that you are our parishioner. If that is what you want which is your privacy, it is fine with me. But if you want us to visit you, then let us or them know that you are there.
As we now approach September, we as a parish are going to stress with more emphasis about your stewardship to the parish. We will be having a festival of ministries, and have hired Our Sunday Visitor to help increase your participation of time, talent and generosity in the parish.
We have become more and more dependent on extraordinary income to supplement the budget for the parish and school. A parish should not be dependent on wills, bequests, parish and school fundraisers in order to stay in the black. It also has been noticed even food pantry donations have decreased.
No one person can do it all, but each of us has to do our part together. Thank you for generosity and your sacrificial giving which so many of you do, but we need more parishioners to do the same.