When we talk about our Catholic Faith, what makes a person a Catholic? Formal entry into the Catholic Church is by baptism, or reception into the Church because one was previously baptized in a Christian church “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
How does one formally belong to a parish? One will register with their local parish and become a member which would then give them some rights in their parish. But with any rights, there are also obligations which one must do. Stewardship is the word which defines the expectations the Church has for Catholics to be active in their parish. Time, talent and generosity are the three which are mentioned most often.
For our students in middle school there are requirements for service hours. Borgia High School students do the same. There are no formal number of hours which are required for our parishioners, but maybe there should be? There has been a long discussion with the planning committee for the Regional Catholic School System about what it means to receive the parishioner tuition rate at a Catholic School. Is being a Catholic enough? The discussion by the Catholic parishioners on the committee are saying no. More should be expected. The schools are being funded by the parishes (the parishioners who contribute to the parish), in helping to pay the bills and keep the school running.
Because of your generosity, we are able to have a Catholic grade school here at St. Francis Borgia Parish. Thank you for being so generous.
Remember, Deacon Leon is starting a Bible Study on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:45 p.m. in the choir room in Jesuit Hall. The Bible Study will be for eight weeks on the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans.