Thanks to all who worked to make our Sausage Dinner such a success. Special thanks to Danny & Amanda Williams, Chairs, and Tyler Beste & Haley Russell, Dining Room chairs. These events are always an opportunity for us to gather as a parish family outside of Mass.
This coming Friday, November 1, is one of the five holydays of obligation for all Catholics to attend Mass, besides every Sunday. It is considered a serious obligation to attend. We will have four Masses for your convenience: 4:30 pm on Thursday, October 31; and 7 am, noon and 7 pm on Friday, November 1. As I have mentioned before, for convenience we could just have one mass that would fill our church, but that would cause an inconvenience for some people.
Do you remember what the Five Holydays of Obligation are? They are: November 1, All Saint’s Day; December 8, Immaculate Conception of Mary; December 25, Christmas; January 1, Solemnity of Mary, and August 15, the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. The feast of the Ascension has been moved to the following Sunday during the Easter Season.
As has been the Archdiocesan directive for several years, we have been taking a count of the people attending mass here for the last three weekends. We had 1,007 on Oct. 5 & 6; 1,107 on Oct. 12 & 13; and 1,024 on Oct. 19 & 20. This comes to an average of 1,044 for the three weeks. Last year we averaged 1,014 for the three weekends, which means we were up 30 on the average per week.
Deacon Leon has started his Bible Study on the Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:45 pm in the choir room in Jesuit Hall. The bible study will continue for 8 weeks on the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans.