I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation, not only mine, but for Fr. Mike and Fr. Tony as well, for your generosity and support given to us. As they say, “we feel your love and thoughtfulness.” You inspire us to do what we do. It is true that we have answered the call of God to the priesthood and full support of Jesus. We have the added bonus of your support and prayers, which does make a difference in our lives. So thank you very much.
May the Lord bless you and your families. May the Lord protect you, defend you, and hold you in the palm of His hands. May you know that you are loved and are prayed for every day. Have a great Thanksgiving Day. If you have no one to eat with or be with on Thanksgiving Day, please come to our grade school cafeteria and share a meal with us to experience that someone does care.
For the Eucharistic Ministers of the cup, you will notice that you generally come up in a line to the altar for Holy Communion. After you have received Holy Communion, it is a suggestion for the front two people to go to the middle of the church for Holy Communion and the back two go to the front of the church for distribution of Holy Communion. I think you will find this to be a better way of organization.
Thanks to all of you who have returned your stewardship cards to the parish.