Well, we are already to the Third Sunday of Easter. I hope that last week you were able reflect on the Mercy of God on Divine Mercy Sunday. If you remember, all the signs around town and Franklin County remind us of Jesus and His mercy for us.
I continue to have people call and ask how they can help others. The priests of the Archdiocese received a letter talking about how things are going and even mentioned that maybe we could give our stimulus money away to some charities and to people who are having a difficult time. I mentioned this idea to one of the parishioners and they suggested that I share with the people in the parish who are doing well financially. Therefore, I am doing that.
Our food pantry is doing well with many drive through customers. This is to help keep them safe and healthy. They are a very dedicated group of people who work here.
I want to give thanks to Cindy Philipp and Father Tony for their assistance in recording and livestreaming the Masses and services that our parishioners are watching. If you have not been to our website,
borgiaparish.org, then you should check it out with how it updates daily. We also have Flocknotes, where emails and text messages are sent out to parishioners on the latest news of our parish and even the Archdiocese. You can sign up for this toward the bottom of our website.
I know there many parishioners who do not have the internet, computer or smart phones. Father Mike has the weekly Mass at the High School on KLPW radio every Sunday at 6 p.m. for people to hear a local Mass, and it is also on Facebook.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Thanks for all your generosity to the parish at this time.