The students of the Parish School of Religion are keeping families who are new to our country in our prayers as we celebrated National Migration Week last week with a special prayer service. This continues our theme this month when we celebrate life, all life. This means the unborn, elderly and anyone facing the daily struggles of this world. We will continue to collect baby items this month and have made a special request for socks that will fit infants to three year old children.
The children from Preschool thru 2nd Grade who attend the Masses on Sunday at either 9am or 11am are invited to attend the Children’s Liturgy of the Word provided by the wonderful volunteers who prepare materials weekly for them. For the children who attend any of the other weekend Masses, there is a blue basket at the entrance of church with the same handouts that is given out at the Children’s Liturgy gatherings. Please encourage your child to take a copy as they either come into church or on their way out.