Today is the Birthday of the Church!!! We are all the Church with Jesus as our Head. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Liturgically, it is the end of the Easter Season, so our Easter Candle will be put back near the baptismal font. During the week we will be back to wearing green vestments as our ordinary color of the season, even though on the next couple of Sundays we will wear white for the feast days.
Pentecost is the celebration of the Holy Spirit. We received the fullness of the Holy Spirit at our Confirmation. Do you remember your Confirmation name and why you chose that name?
As members of the Church, Pope Francis reminds us that we are ALL MISSIONARY DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. We are to spread and share the joy of the Gospel with the great things that God does for us every day, so that everyone else may come to believe in the God that we profess every Sunday in the Creed. When was the last time that you shared with anyone something God has blessed you with?
We receive God’s blessings everyday of life, just by the gift of life. Let us come to thank the Lord for His blessings today!