A week of VBS cannot happen unless the whole parish lends support. We have a wonderful Pastor with Fr. Joe, he sets aside this week every year and made it a priority to be present every night. This parish is so very blessed.
A note of gratitude to Mrs. Freitag and her son Matthew who worked so hard to make special treats for us every night. Over the week we had adults volunteering to help in the Cafe, Registration, Gadget Store, Bible story time, decorating, preparing the food for our closing night family picnic and so many other ways.
We were blessed all week with wonderful children who attended our VBS. They were so wonderful participating in all of our activities as we learned more about how God made us and loves us as His favorite creation.
But, the hidden jewel of this parish are the teens who came out in the past months and the week of bible school to make it such a wonderful experience. I cannot say enough about the young people of this parish and community who gave up so much to be with us all week to lead groups, music, snacks, games, skits, bible story, kid video and crafts. They came to planning meetings and worked on props from home all summer. They also did the set up and clean up.
There were over 60 teens who gave their time from this parish to make this happen for the 85 children who attended VBS this year. St. Francis Borgia Parish has much to be proud of and this includes all of these wonderful young men and women.
Our week concluded with a Family Picnic and as children introduced new friends to their parents, a wonderful evening of fellowship was had by all.