I want acknowledge the amazing generosity (over $8,000) from our community for the special collection for the people who were affected by the Hurricane Harvey. This weekend we are also letting you know that there is another need for the people affected by Hurricane Irma. We will take up a second collection next weekend.
I am so grateful that our parish had the opportunity to gather and work together as a family at the Fall Festival. It’s true that it is a great source of fundraising for the parish, but it is more important for us to also have fun together. I want to thank our chairs for the event, Tim and Scottie Eagan, along with Adam and Katie Piontek who were in training as next year’s chairs. They gave us a great example of how to be involved in our parish. There are so many other people who I should thank, but I would probably leave someone out because there were so many positions and so many people who took responsibility to lead, not to forget the hundreds of people who also worked and supported the Fall Festival.
It is so easy to measure the success of a parish event by the financial aspect. But what the Fall Festival and other parish events like the Sausage Dinner, parish breakfasts, Fifth Friday dinner, craft events, quilting, Encore, tents, crafting, Monday and Thursday group, cemetery, Vacation Bible School, RCIA, prayer groups, soup nights, rummage sales, food pantry, sports teams, scouting, or our many other parish ministries offer is the opportunity for us to gather and build community which we then celebrate by our active and full participation in the daily and weekend Masses.
We need both aspects of our lives, worship and involvement, for us to be a disciple of Christ. They go hand in hand, so that what we do in church is brought forth in the marketplace and what is in the marketplace is brought to the altar.
Sincerely in Christ,