We will soon be starting our classes for those interested in becoming Catholic, or who just want to learn more about the faith and the Church. This year, in addition to inviting those who are considering joining the Church, we are inviting anyone in the parish who would like to learn more about their Catholic faith. There are 12 class sessions, each lasting about 45 minutes. We will cover such topics as Faith, the Bible, Sacred Tradition, Miracles, the Saints, the Mass, and the Sacraments. A schedule of topics, with dates, will be published as soon as it is finalized.
Classes start in the Fall of each year, and continue until the Easter Vigil. Meetings will take place in Jesuit Hall Franciscan Room. For more information, or if you would like to participate, call Deacon Dave Tobben at 636-357-0436. There is no charge for attending this course.
Whether you are seeking to join, or whether you’ve been Catholic all your life, you can always learn something new about the faith. Come join us!
If you are an adult who has never been part of a formal religion; an adult who was baptized in a faith tradition other than Catholicism; an adult who received some but not all of the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation or Confirmation; or an adult who was raised in another faith and now wishes to become Catholic and you want to learn more about becoming Catholic, we are thankful you were led to Saint Francis Borgia.
Becoming Catholic begins with Inquiry. We invite you to take the first step in the process of becoming Catholic -- having a simple conversation with one of our priests or deacon. It's never too early to reach out or to begin asking questions. We know that becoming Catholic isn't a decision to take lightly or one to be made in a day, but rather a discernment that begins with conversation, reflection and prayer. Father Mike, Father Tony, Deacon Leon, Deacon Dennis, or Deacon Dave can answer your questions about Catholic teaching and beliefs, how we worship and how we celebrate and live our faith in the modern world.
The process the Church uses for the wonderful journey is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA formerly RCIA). It's a year long personal faith journey that usually begins in September with a period of inquiry. During this time, inquiring people are given the opportunity to learn more about Catholicism, ask questions and get to know what makes a Catholic a Catholic. During the Period of Inquiry, you would join a small group to discuss the Church’s teachings on Jesus Christ, learn about the Mass and the Sacraments of the Church, talk about the importance of sacred Scripture and Tradition and the importance of prayer in your daily life.
After these Inquiry sessions, people who feel they have an interest in becoming Catholic can continue in the RCIA process beyond the Period of Inquiry, receiving instruction in the basics of our faith. There's no pressure to continue. As the RCIA journey continues, participants have the opportunity to discern whether or not they want to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Those who wish to receive the Sacraments of Initiation receive further formation in preparation for the Sacraments at Easter.
For more information or to inquire about becoming Catholic, please contact:
Father Jeff Maassen, Pastor
jmaassen@borgiaparish.org | 636-239-6701 ext 1422
Father Tim Henderson, Associate Pastor
thenderson@borgiaparish.org | 636-239-6701 ext 1513
Deacon Dave Tobben
dtobben@borgiaparish.org | 636-239-2883
St. Francis Borgia Parish
115 Cedar Street Washington, MO 63090
Sacramental Emergencies Only:
Office: jkidwell@borgiaparish.org
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