Parish Facilities

Parish Facilities



St. Francis Borgia Church

310 West Main Street, Washington, MO 63090

Accessibility – with elevator from Cedar Street entrance or Second Street ramp

Cry Room – located at front of church to right of altar

Parking – two lots off Main Street, adjacent streets, and behind Middle School


Jesuit Hall

100 Cedar Street
Washington, MO 63090

Location: Corner of Main and Cedar Streets

Accessible Entrance and Elevator – Cedar Street entrance

First Floor: 

Blessed Mother Room (formerly Orange Room), Franciscan Room (formerly Green Room), Parish Library, Kitchenette, Elevator and Restroom access

Second Floor: 

Gathering Space, Choir Room, Kitchenette, Bride’s Room, Shop ‘n Earn Office (after weekend Masses only); Vesting Room, Elevator and Accessible Restrooms, Church Entrance

Third Floor:

 Banquet Center, Bar Area, Elevator and Accessible Restrooms


Parish Rectory

311 West Second Street
Washington, MO 63090

Upper Level -- Priests Residence

Lower level -- Crafters

Carport Corner Entrance -- Shop ‘n Earn Sales Office


Notre Dame Hall

115 Cedar Street
Washington, MO 63090

Accessible Entrance – from Main Street Parking Lot

First Floor:

Parish Offices, Mother Caroline SSND Boardroom, Kitchen, Accessible Restrooms

Second Floor: 

Father Siesl, SJ Conference Room, Garden Room, Chapel, smaller Meeting Rooms, Restrooms


Parish Library

Jesuit Hall, First Floor


Maintenance Shop

Second and Pine Streets
Washington, MO 63090

Cemetery and Chapel

Fourteenth and Jefferson Street
Washington, MO 63090

Saint Francis Borgia Grade School

225 Cedar Street
Washington, MO 63090

Office – Second door from Third Street on Cedar Street

Chapel – Second Floor, Room 213

Cafeteria  – First door from Second Street on Cedar Street

Gym – Second door from Second Street on Cedar Street

After School Care (ASC) – in Cafeteria / back parking lot entrance

Accessible Entrance – Cedar Street next to Cafeteria entrance


Middle School & Pre-School

314 West Second Street
Washington, MO 63090

Preschool Classrooms  - First Floor

Food Pantry  - First Floor, Second Street Entrance

Quilting  - First Floor, Second Street Entrance

Middle School Classrooms  - Second Floor

Jesuit Hall

First Floor:  Cedar Street Entrance 

Blessed Mother Room (formerly Orange Room), 

Franciscan Room (formerly Green Room), Parish Library, 

Kitchenette, Elevator and Restroom access

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Second Floor:  

Gathering Space, Choir Room, Kitchenette, Bride’s Room, Shop ‘n Earn Office (after weekend Masses only); Vesting Room, Elevator and Accessible Restrooms, Church Entrance

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Chapel of St. Dymphna

“Looking for prayer? To the right of the altar you’ll see a small chapel dedicated to St. Dymphna, the patron saint of those dealing with mental illness. We welcome people from across the world who visit the chapel and ask for her intercession for their needs.”

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